۱۳۹۴ شهریور ۲۴, سه‌شنبه

uCoz - Website created successfully

Congratulations! Your website has been successfully created. The address of your new website: http://ift.tt/1FK3cCw Click the button below to open the website's Control Panel: Control Panel All new users get discounts! Try our premium plans with 500ff their regular cost. Hurry up! The offer is valid only 2 days! Check the following resources for help when building a website: Frequently AskedQuestions:http://faq.ucoz.com/ uCoz CommunityForum:http://forum.ucoz.com/ Please remember that for security reasons you have two passwords: The first one is used to: - log in to your website as the website administrator with the permissions to post, delete and edit entries on the website - log in as a user to any uCoz website that supports the uID sign-in method. The second password is used to: - access the Control Panel of your website at http://ift.tt/1FK3cCy - edit the key settings of the website, its modules, design etc. We wish you luck building your website! Best regards, The uCoz Team You received this e-mail message because you are a registered uCoz.com user and you agreed to receive e-mail notifications from uCoz. To unsubscribe from uCoz e-mails, please click on this link.

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